FLORIDA HIGH SCHOOLS COMPUTING COMPETITION '85 JUDGING CRITERIA 1.1 INPUT: Enter command: ADD INPUT: Enter number: 18 INPUT: Enter command: TAKE OUTPUT: 18 INPUT: Enter command: ADD INPUT: Enter number: 5 INPUT: Enter command: ADD INPUT: Enter number: 99 INPUT: Enter command: TAKE OUTPUT: 99 INPUT: Enter command: ADD INPUT: Enter number: 34 INPUT: Enter command: TAKE OUTPUT: 34 INPUT: Enter command: TAKE OUTPUT: 5 INPUT: Enter command: QUIT OUTPUT: (program ends) 1.2 INPUT: Enter N, AV: 28, 15 OUTPUT: NUMBER ERASED WAS 1 INPUT: Enter N, AV: 31, 16.2 OUTPUT: NUMBER ERASED WAS 10 INPUT: Enter N, AV: 101, 50.68 OUTPUT: NUMBER ERASED WAS 83 1.3 INPUT: Enter N, D: 18, -4 OUTPUT: S= 4.2426 SUM=18 INPUT: Enter N, D: 1562500, 2 OUTPUT: S=1300.000 SUM= 4 INPUT: Enter N, D: 1194, -1 OUTPUT: S= 34.6000 SUM=13 1.4 RUN PROGRAM: OUTPUT: A time dial simulation will be displayed in the center of the screen. The count starts with 1985, and then steadily increases the years by 1 until the year 2345 is reached: The time interval between each new year will decrease as the numbers increase, starting with one new year every second, to steadily and rapidly counting faster than the eye can comprehend, ending with the year 2345, which remains on the screen. The displays should not flicker. The program should take less than 60 seconds to run. 1.5 INPUT: Enter N: 18 OUTPUT: ROUND 1 9 GAMES ROUND 2 4 GAMES 1 BYE ROUND 3 2 GAMES 1 BYE ROUND 4 1 GAMES 1 BYE ROUND 5 1 GAMES TOTAL 17 GAMES 3 BYES INPUT: Enter N: 67 OUTPUT: ROUND 1 33 GAMES 1 BYE ROUND 2 17 GAMES ROUND 3 8 GAMES 1 BYE ROUND 4 4 GAMES 1 BYE ROUND 5 2 GAMES 1 BYE ROUND 6 1 GAMES 1 BYE ROUND 7 1 GAMES TOTAL 66 GAMES 5 BYES 1.6 INPUT: Enter N, M: 900, 1300 OUTPUT: SMALLEST = 912 LARGEST = 987 SUM = 53172 INPUT: Enter N, M: 33, 333 OUTPUT: SMALLEST = 123 LARGEST = 329 SUM = 27990 1.7 INPUT: Enter name: DOUG Enter part#: T100 Enter time: 3 OUTPUT: CUSTOMER NAME: DOUG PART #: T100 DESCRIPTION: 27X1 INCH TIRE TUBE PART COST: 12.50 LABOR COST: 30.00 5% TAX: 0.63 TOTAL: 43.13 INPUT: Enter name: BRAD Enter part#: S445 Enter time: 2.5 OUTPUT: CUSTOMER NAME: BRAD PART #: S445 DESCRIPTION: COMPUCYCLE COMPUTER PART COST: 33.95 LABOR COST: 25.00 5% TAX: 1.70 TOTAL: 60.65 1.8 INPUT: Enter # of lines on label: 4 OUTPUT: PARKER, HARRY 222-3333 SIMON, BILL 123-4567 SIMON, BOB 123-4455 SPINXS, LISA 987-6543 TROUTMAN, HARRY 876-2174 1.9 RUN PROGRAM: A 5x5 matrix of 25 letters, A through Y, is randomly generated and centered on the top part of the screen, with every adjacent letter on a row separated by a space. SECRETLY CHOOSE THE LETTER 'Y' AND NOTE ITS POSITION IN THE ARRAY. The computer must ask the user yes(Y)-or-no(N) questions to logically determine the secret letter (using similar questions as shown in the example). The computer will start with a score of 11 points and will deduct 1 point for each question that is asked and answered. The score is displayed in the upper right corner after each question is asked. If the program does not determine the letter before the computer score reaches 0, then no credit is awarded at this time. If the letter Y is guessed and the score is greater than 0, then run this program one more time and ensure that the new matrix is different from the previous matrix: SECRETLY CHOOSE THE LETTER 'P' AND NOTE ITS POSITION IN THE ARRAY. OUTPUT: Q W E R T SCORE=11 Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L M X C V B N OUTPUT/INPUT: IS THE LETTER IN ROW 1? N OUTPUT: (The score decreases to 10 at the top right) OUTPUT/INPUT: IS THE LETTER IN ROW 2? Y OUTPUT: (The score decreases to 9) OUTPUT/INPUT: IS THE LETTER IN COL 1? Y OUTPUT: (The score decreases to 8) YOUR LETTER IS Y 1.10 RUN PROGRAM: Press the appropriate keys I,J,K,M to place the cursor in the center of the screen. INPUT: 1 OUTPUT: The box below with respect to the cursor (#): # ********* * * * 1 * * * ********* RUN PROGRAM: Place the cursor in the center of the screen. INPUT: 2 OUTPUT: # ********* * * * 2 * * * ********* RUN PROGRAM: Place the cursor in the center of the screen. INPUT: 3 OUTPUT: ********* * * * 3 * * * ********* # RUN PROGRAM: Place the cursor in the center of the screen. INPUT: 4 OUTPUT: ********* * * * 4 * * * ********* # RUN PROGRAM: Place the cursor at the absolute left side of the screen INPUT: 2 OUTPUT: OFF THE SCREEN RUN PROGRAM: Place the cursor at the top of the screen. INPUT: 3 OUTPUT: OFF THE SCREEN 2.1 RUN PROGRAM: OUTPUT: A random letter outlines the border of the screen, then upon pressing the space bar, the inside border of the new screen will be outlined by a random letter; afterwards, when the space bar is pressed, the inside border of the new screen will be outlined by a random letter, and so on. These rectangles are drawn until the whole screen is filled, then press the space bar once again and the screen will clear and start over with a new outer border. A miniature sample run would look like this: RRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRR R R RQQQQQQQQQR RQQQQQQQQQR R R RQ QR RQYYYYYYYQR R R RQ QR RQYYYYYYYQR R R RQQQQQQQQQR RQQQQQQQQQR RRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRR 2.2 INPUT: Enter N: 10 Enter letter: G Enter letter: H Enter letter: L Enter letter: L Enter letter: R Enter letter: S Enter letter: S Enter letter: Q Enter letter: B Enter letter: A OUTPUT: G H L L R S INPUT: Enter N: 15 Enter letter: Z Enter letter: Z Enter letter: A Enter letter: C Enter letter: B Enter letter: G Enter letter: P Enter letter: Q Enter letter: Y Enter letter: T Enter letter: W Enter letter: E Enter letter: F Enter letter: M Enter letter: X OUTPUT: B G P Q Y 2.3 INPUT: Enter text: PROVIDE A 5 CHARACTER LEFT MARGIN. DO NOT PUT MORE THAN 30 CHARACTERS ON A LINE. THE LAST WORD IS FOLLOWED BY A PERIOD. OUTPUT: PROVIDE A 5 CHARACTER LEFT MARGIN. DO NOT PUT MORE THAN 30 CHARACTERS ON A LINE. THE LAST WORD IS FOLLOWED BY A PERIOD. INPUT: Enter text: A WORD IS DEFINED AS A SET OF CHARACTERS IN BETWEEN TWO SPACES (EXCEPT FOR THE FIRST AND LAST WORDS OF THE STRING). OUTPUT: A WORD IS DEFINED AS A SET OF CHARACTERS IN BETWEEN TWO SPACES (EXCEPT FOR THE FIRST AND LAST WORDS OF THE STRING). 2.4 INPUT: Enter word: INTERNATIONAL OUTPUT: ALNANNERIITOT INPUT: Enter word: CLASS OUTPUT: CLASS INPUT: Enter word: UNIVERSITY OUTPUT: ENIRISTUVY 2.5 INPUT: Enter number of words: 5 Enter word: COMPUTER Enter word: APPLE Enter word: PERSONAL Enter word: CREATIVE Enter word: POPULAR OUTPUT: NO COMMON LETTERS INPUT: Enter N: 6 Enter word: CREATIVE Enter word: ELECTRONIC Enter word: PROCESS Enter word: PEACH Enter word: EDUCATION Enter word: COMPLEX OUTPUT: C E INPUT: Choose letter: E OUTPUT: CREATIVE ELECTRONIC PROCESS PEACH EDUCATION COMPLEX 2.6 INPUT: Place 1: T INPUT: Place 1: A Place 2: D Place 2: B Place 3: C Place 3: A Place 4: T Place 4: C Place 5: D Place 5: C Place 6: C Place 6: B Place 7: T Place 7: A Place 8: D Place 8: A Place 9: C Place 9: B Place 10: C Place 10: C Place 11: D Place 11: C Place 12: T Place 12: A Place 13: C Place 13: C Place 14: D Place 14: B Place 15: C Place 15: A Place 16: D Place 16: A Place 17: T Place 17: B Place 18: T Place 18: B Place 19: C Place 19: B Place 20: D Place 20: C Place 21: T Place 21: C OUTPUT: (in any order) OUTPUT: (in any order) TEAM T: 28 POINTS TEAM A: 23 POINTS TEAM D: 28 POINTS TEAM B: 34 POINTS TEAM D WINS! TEAM A WINS! TEAM T: 28 POINTS TEAM A: 23 POINTS TEAM C: 28 POINTS TEAM C: 32 POINTS TEAM C WINS! TEAM A WINS! TEAM D: 27 POINTS TEAM B: 29 POINTS TEAM C: 28 POINTS TEAM C: 26 POINTS TEAM D WINS! TEAM C WINS! 2.7 RUN PROGRAM: OUTPUT: A. EDIT OR CHANGE A VALUE B. DISPLAY THE RESULTS C. QUIT INPUT: Enter option: B OUTPUT: 10.11 20.22 30.33 60.66 11.10 22.20 33.30 66.60 10.00 20.00 30.00 60.00 31.21 62.42 93.63 187.26 INPUT: (press any key) OUTPUT: A. EDIT OR CHANGE A VALUE B. DISPLAY THE RESULTS C. QUIT INPUT: Enter option: A Enter row, col: 2, 1 Enter number: 5.5 INPUT: (press any key) OUTPUT: A. EDIT OR CHANGE A VALUE B. DISPLAY THE RESULTS C. QUIT INPUT: Enter option: B OUTPUT: 10.11 20.22 30.33 60.66 5.50 22.20 33.30 61.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 60.00 25.61 62.42 93.63 181.66 INPUT: (press any key) OUTPUT: A. EDIT OR CHANGE A VALUE B. DISPLAY THE RESULTS C. QUIT INPUT: Enter option: A Enter row, col: 1, 3 Enter number: 29.67 INPUT: (press any key) OUTPUT: A. EDIT OR CHANGE A VALUE B. DISPLAY THE RESULTS C. QUIT INPUT: Enter option: A Enter row, col: 3, 2 Enter number: 39 INPUT: (press any key) OUTPUT: A. EDIT OR CHANGE A VALUE B. DISPLAY THE RESULTS C. QUIT INPUT: Enter option: B OUTPUT: 10.11 20.22 29.67 60.00 5.50 22.20 33.30 61.00 10.00 39.00 30.00 79.00 25.61 81.42 92.97 200.00 INPUT: (press any key) OUTPUT: A. EDIT OR CHANGE A VALUE B. DISPLAY THE RESULTS C. QUIT INPUT: Enter option: C OUTPUT: (program terminates) 2.8 RUN PROGRAM: OUTPUT: 2 5 1 0 2 X 5 = 10 2 7 1 4 2 X 7 = 14 2 8 1 6 2 X 8 = 16 2 9 1 8 2 X 9 = 18 3 4 1 2 3 X 4 = 12 3 6 1 8 3 X 6 = 18 3 7 2 1 3 X 7 = 21 3 8 2 4 3 X 8 = 24 3 9 2 7 3 X 9 = 27 4 5 2 0 4 X 5 = 20 4 7 2 8 4 X 7 = 28 4 8 3 2 4 X 8 = 32 4 9 3 6 4 X 9 = 36 5 6 3 0 5 X 6 = 30 5 8 4 0 5 X 8 = 40 6 7 4 2 6 X 7 = 42 6 9 5 4 6 X 9 = 54 7 8 5 6 7 X 8 = 56 7 9 6 3 7 X 9 = 63 8 9 7 2 8 X 9 = 72 TOTAL = 20 2.9 INPUT: Enter N: 11 Enter word: CREATE Enter word: CREATION Enter word: CREATIVE Enter word: CREATURE Enter word: EVERYBODY Enter word: EVERYONE Enter word: ELECTION Enter word: CREDIT Enter word: COMPUTER Enter word: PRINTER Enter word: EMPTY INPUT: Enter string: CREAT* OUTPUT: CREATE CREATION CREATIVE CREATURE INPUT: Enter string: *TION OUTPUT: CREATION ELECTION INPUT: Enter string: E*Y OUTPUT: EVERYBODY EMPTY INPUT: Enter string: *ATER OUTPUT: NO WORDS FOUND INPUT: Enter string: *PRINTER OUTPUT: PRINTER INPUT: Enter string: END OUTPUT: (program terminates) 2.10 INPUT: Enter last 5-minutes: 90 OUTPUT: (Briefly scan only the messages from 40 MIN to 90 MIN) OF CO DS OFFICE COMP. DRY. MIN:SE : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 0 0 72.5 68.0 83.0 40:00 0 0 0 71.7 68.4 83.1 40:30 0 1 0 72.6 70.2 83.3 42:45 0 1 0 73.5 67.5 83.5 45:00 0 0 0 74.4 64.8 83.7 47:15 0 0 0 75.5 67.0 84.0 50:00 0 1 0 77.1 70.2 84.4 54:00 0 1 0 77.5 69.0 84.5 55:00 1 1 0 78.1 67.2 84.7 56:30 1 1 1 76.0 66.5 85.0 60:00 1 1 1 74.7 67.2 82.2 65:00 1 1 1 73.3 67.8 79.3 70:00 0 1 1 72.0 68.5 76.5 75:00 0 1 0 72.7 68.1 74.9 76:45 0 0 0 73.8 64.8 75.2 79:30 0 0 0 74.0 65.2 75.3 80:00 0 0 0 76.0 69.2 75.8 85:00 0 1 0 76.4 70.0 75.9 86:00 0 1 0 78.0 65.2 76.3 90:00 3.1 INPUT: Enter top, front: 1, 3 OUTPUT: TOP=1 FRONT=3 RIGHT=5 BACK=4 LEFT=2 BOTTOM=6 INPUT: Enter top, front: 2, 3 OUTPUT: TOP=2 FRONT=3 RIGHT=1 BACK=4 LEFT=6 BOTTOM=5 INPUT: Enter top, front: 4, 6 OUTPUT: TOP=4 FRONT=6 RIGHT=2 BACK=1 LEFT=5 BOTTOM=3 INPUT: Enter top, front: 6, 2 OUTPUT: TOP=6 FRONT=2 RIGHT=4 BACK=5 LEFT=3 BOTTOM=1 3.2 INPUT: Enter A, B, C: 1, 0, -1 OUTPUT: (X-1)(X+1) or (X+1)(X-1) INPUT: Enter A, B, C: -6, 7, -2 OUTPUT: (3X-2)(2X-1) or (2X-1)(3X-2) INPUT: Enter A, B, C: 18, 12, 2 OUTPUT: 2(3X+1)(3X+1) INPUT: Enter A, B, C: 1, 2, 3 OUTPUT: CANNOT BE FACTORED 3.3 INPUT: Enter expression: 5/8/100*100 OUTPUT: 0.625 INPUT: Enter expression: 6-4+5/4*10 OUTPUT: 14.500 INPUT: Enter expression: 4*1*0/6 OUTPUT: 0.000 INPUT: Enter expression: 12/3+5-3*6*2+7 OUTPUT: -20.000 3.4 INPUT: Enter N: 12 OUTPUT: 479001600 INPUT: Enter N: 40 OUTPUT: 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000 3.5 INPUT: Enter #1: 5678901234.5 Enter #2: 45.610987 OUTPUT: SUM = 5678901280.110987 DIFFERENCE = 5678901188.889013 INPUT: Enter #1: 8765432109.8765432109 Enter #2: 2109.87654321 OUTPUT: SUM = 8765434219.7530864209 DIFFERENCE = 8765430000.0000000009 INPUT: Enter #1: 69.1 Enter #2: 2.3456 OUTPUT: SUM = 71.4456 DIFFERENCE = 66.7544 3.6 RUN PROGRAM: A snake (a trail of 30 asterisks '*') is centered on the screen. Upon hitting appropriate keys, designated by students, the snake's head moves in the appropriate direction while the rest of the snake slithers along the same right angle paths. The snake must move CONTINUOUSLY in the designated direction UNTIL a new directional key is hit. The snake must be 30 asterisks long throughout the entire run; It must not leave a sketched path. The snake continues moving until it runs into itself or it runs off the screen or a non-directional key is pressed. Run the program and have the snake move in all directions. Have the snake run into itself to check that the program will STOP. For the next execution, have the snake attempt to leave the screen, which should cause the program to STOP. 3.7 INPUT: Enter word: LIFE Enter K: 5 OUTPUT: ELFI FILE IFEL INPUT: Enter word: COMPUTE Enter K: 721 OUTPUT: ECMOPTU MCEOPUT OCEMTPU 3.8 Check to see that no two pennies (asterisks) are in the same column, row, or main diagonal: Check that the Row equals the Column at most once; Check that the sum of the coordinates equals N+1 at most once. NOTE: PLACEMENT OF THE ASTERISKS WILL VARY ALONG WITH THE SUMS. INPUT: Enter N: 6 OUTPUT: TOTAL = 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 * (1,2) SUM = 3 2 * (2,4) SUM = 6 3 * (3,6) SUM = 9 4 * (4,1) SUM = 5 5 * (5,3) SUM = 8 6 * (6,5) SUM = 11 INPUT: Enter N: 7 OUTPUT: TOTAL = 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 * (1,1) SUM = 2 2 * (2,3) SUM = 5 3 * (3,5) SUM = 8 4 * (4,7) SUM = 11 5 * (5,2) SUM = 7 6 * (6,4) SUM = 10 7 * (7,6) SUM = 13 INPUT: Enter N: 8 OUTPUT: (similar format as first two runs) TOTAL = 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 : INPUT: Enter N: 14 OUTPUT: (similar format as first two runs) TOTAL = 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 : 3.9 INPUT: Enter N: 5 OUTPUT: 31 INPUT: Enter N: 10 OUTPUT: 1023 INPUT: Enter N: 12 OUTPUT: 4095 3.10 INPUT: Enter S: 36 OUTPUT: P = 15678 Q = 39 R = 402 INPUT: Enter S: 62 OUPTUT: P = 58401 Q = 63 R = 927