1.1  Write a program to first clear the screen and then print the 

ten times on the first ten consecutive lines on the screen, each 
beginning in column 1. 

1.2  Write a program to determine if a given number is an INTEGER 
value or only a REAL value.  Example: 

     INPUT: Enter #: 2.0 
     INPUT: Enter #: -1.5 

1.3  Assume that the surface of a floppy diskette has 40 tracks, 
and there are 8 sectors per track with 512 bytes/sector.  Write a 
program to determine the number of bytes of information that is on 
the surface of N floppy diskettes, where N is input as a positive 
integer.  Example: 

     INPUT: Enter N: 4 

    OUTPUT: 655360 

1.4  A complete computer consists of a CPU, PRIMARY memory, 
SECONDARY memory, an INPUT device, and an OUTPUT device.  Given 
four of the computer's components as input, determine which 
component is missing.  Example: 

     INPUT: Enter component: SECONDARY 
            Enter component: OUTPUT 
            Enter component: CPU 
            Enter component: INPUT 


1.5  Write a program to outline the perimeter of the screen with 
asterisks (*) and to divide the screen into four approximately 
congruent rectangles using *'s.  Print the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 
centered in each rectangle as shown below in miniature. 
     OUTPUT: ************* 
             *     *     * 
             *  1  *  2  * 
             *     *     * 
             *     *     * 
             *  3  *  4  * 
             *     *     * 

1.6  Many times a long computer term will be abbreviated by 
forming an acronym:  Electronic Numerical Integrator And 
Calculator becomes ENIAC.  Write a program to make acronyms for 
given sets of words.  Each word in a set will be separated by a 
space.  Acronyms are formed from the first letter of each word in 
a set.  Example: 
1.7  Computers are often classified into three categories:  MICRO 
computers, MINI computers, and MAINFRAME computers.  MICRO 
computers are small enough to be placed on a small table and are 
often used during high school computer programming contests.  A 
MINI computer's CPU and main memory are usually placed on the 
floor in a case and stand 3 to 5 feet high.  MAINFRAME computer 
systems usually occupy a large room and can be accessed by more 
than one hundred terminals at the same time.  Given the name of a 
computer and the type of computer, print out a list of the 
computer names in ascending order according to their size.  
MAINFRAME is larger than a MINI which is larger than a MICRO.  
Three computers, each of a different category, will be entered 
(name, then the type of computer).  Example: 

     INPUT: Enter name: FRED
            Enter type: MINI
            Enter name: WYLBUR
            Enter type: MAINFRAME
            Enter name: GEORGE
            Enter type: MICRO

1.8  A display in a grocery store will consist of cans stacked on 
top of each other with the bottom row having N cans in it and each 
row above it having two cans less than the supporting row.  Write 
a program to find out how many cans will be needed in the display 
if N is input as the number of cans for the bottom row.  N will be 
greater than 2.  Example: 
     INPUT: Enter N: 5
    OUTPUT: 9 
     INPUT: Enter N: 6
    OUTPUT: 12
1.9  A queue is a first-in first-out (FIFO) storage.  Objects are 
removed from a queue in the same order as they are added.  A 
waiting line in a supermarket is an example of a queue.  Write a 
program to place numbers on a queue and then retrieve from or add 
to the queue.  The user is to enter the option to ADD to the queue 
or TAKE from the queue or QUIT.  If the user enters ADD then the 
program accepts a value to place on the queue.  If the user enters 
TAKE then the first value in the queue is removed and displayed.  
If QUIT is entered then the program ends.  Example: 
     INPUT: Enter command: ADD 
            Enter integer: 5 
            Enter command: ADD 
            Enter integer: 8 
            Enter command: TAKE 
    OUTPUT: 5 
     INPUT: Enter command: ADD 
            Enter integer: 2 
            Enter command: TAKE 
    OUTPUT: 8 
    OUTPUT: (program terminates) 

1.10  Write a program to determine the events of history that 
occurred between two dates input.  Use the following DATA 
statements in your program (you may store the DATA elements in an 
array).  Each DATA statement contains a year of an invention, 
person(s) responsible, and invention.  Output must display the 
person followed by the word INVENTED and the invention for each 
event that is between two years that are input.  The first date 
will precede the second date in time.  Example: 

     DATA 1949,"VON NEUMAN","EDVAC" 
     INPUT: Enter years: 1640, 1820

2.1  Write a program to display a solid diamond of asterisks of 
height and length of N, where N is an odd number greater than 1 
and less than 22.  The middle row has N asterisks and each 
consecutive row differs by 2 asterisks.  The first and last rows 
each have one asterisk.  Example: 
     INPUT:  Enter N: 5

    OUTPUT:   * 
2.2  Sorting is the arranging of elements of a list into order 
based on the value of a particular field within the elements.  
There are several algorithms to accomplish the task of sorting 
including:  bubble sort, shell sort, and quick sort.  Each sorting 
algorithm's efficiency depends upon the number of elements to be 
sorted and the particular order in which they are originally 
given.  The average number of comparisons needed to sort a list of 
N elements is given as: 
          N * (N-1) / 2                    for BUBBLE SORT 
          N * ((Log base 2 of N) squared)  for SHELL SORT 
          N * (Log base 2 of N)            for QUICK SORT 
Assuming that the efficiency depends only on the number of 
elements in the list, N, determine the efficiency order of the 
different sorting algorithms and print them from most efficient to 
least efficient.  N will be greater than 2.  Example: 
     INPUT: Enter N: 128 
            SHELL SORT 
            BUBBLE SORT 
2.3  When a group of no more than 200 was asked to divide itself 
into groups of 2, 1 person was left over.  When asked to divide 
into groups of 3, 5, 7, there were 2, 1, and 2 left over 
respectively.  Write a program to find out how many people were in 
this group and display this number.

2.4  Random numbers between 0 and 9999 can be generated according 
to the following method.  Take a 4-digit number as the seed, 
square it, and pad 0's at the end (if needed) to make the product 
an 8-digit number.  Use the four digits in the middle of the 
number as the random number and the next seed.  Write a program to 
produce the first 5 random numbers (without leading 0's, if the 
number is less than four digits) for a given seed of four digits. 
     INPUT: Enter seed: 3571 
    OUTPUT: 7520      (because 3571 * 3571 = 12 7520 41 ) 
            5504      (because 7520 * 7520 = 56 5504 00 ) 
            2940      (because 5504 * 5504 = 30 2940 16 ) 
            4360      (because 2940 * 2940 = 86 4360 0 pad 0 ) 
            96        (because 4360 * 4360 = 19 0096 00 ) 

2.5  Data is often transmitted in 8 bit parcels with the first 
seven bits being the actual data and the eighth bit being the 
"parity bit."  The parity bit is used to detect errors in 
transmission.  Each bit is either a 0 or a 1.  Two techniques for 
detecting errors are called "odd parity" and "even parity."  The 
transmitter uses the eighth bit to make the eight bit parcel 
contain an odd number of "1" bits (odd parity) or an even number 
of "1" bits (even parity).  If the transmitter uses odd parity but 
an even number of "1" bits are received in the transmitted 8 bit 
parcel, then an ERROR has occurred.  If even parity is used, but 
an odd number of "1" bits are transmitted in the 8 bit parcel then 
an ERROR has occurred.  Write a program to determine if a string 
of data (of at most 8 characters) contains an ERROR for the 
indicated parity which is input as ODD or EVEN.  The program must 
also check to see that the string is 8 characters long and 
contains only "1"s and "0"s.  Display the message "ERROR" or 
"CORRECT" for each input.  Example: 
     INPUT: Enter bits: 00011101
            Enter parity: EVEN
     INPUT: Enter bits: 11111110
            Enter parity: ODD 
     INPUT: Enter bits: 10101011
            Enter parity: EVEN
     INPUT: Enter bits: 111X1111
            Enter parity: ODD 
     INPUT: Enter bits: 110
            Enter parity: EVEN

2.6  Write a program that calculates the area of a polygon, using 
the following formula: 
     Area = 1/2 * (The absolute value of the following sum): 
  | X1 Y1 |     | X2 Y2 |         | Xn-1 Yn-1 |     | Xn Yn | 
  |       |  +  |       | + ... + |           |  +  |       | 
  | X2 Y2 |     | X3 Y3 |         | Xn   Yn   |     | X1 Y1 | 
where X and Y are coordinates of the vertices in the X-Y plane, 
and n is the number of vertices.  In words, the AREA is equal to 
one-half the absolute value of the sum of the corresponding 
determinants of the coordinates of successive vertices.  A 
determinant of the form:   | X Y |
                           | A B |    is defined as X*B - A*Y, 
where X,Y and A,B are two successive vertices.  The number of 
vertices, n, will be entered followed by n successive integer 
coordinates in the X-Y plane.  The area is to be displayed in the 
form ##.#.  Example: 
     INPUT: Enter n: 4 
            Enter vertex: 1,0
            Enter vertex: 2,0
            Enter vertex: 2,2
            Enter vertex: 0,4
    OUTPUT: AREA =  4.0 
2.7  Write a program to accept as input a valid MONTH, DAY, and 
YEAR between the years 1700 and 1998 inclusive and will display 
the date of the day before the given date and the date after the 
given date.  A leap year occurs in every year that is divisible by 
4 except in those years also divisible by 100.  MONTH, DAY, and 
YEAR will be input as positive integers.  The output must be 
displayed in the form MM-DD-YYYY, with MM and DD displayed without 
leading zeroes.  Example: 
     INPUT: Enter month, day, year: 3, 1, 1800
    OUTPUT: 2-28-1800

2.8  At the University of South Florida, a student may be 
dismissed at the end of a semester for a low grade point average 
(GPA).  If the student's Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is ever between 0 
and 0.999 then he is immediately dismissed.  If the student's 
cumulative GPA is between 1.0 and 1.999 for two consecutive 
semesters then the student is dismissed.  The GPA is determined by 
assigning points to grades: A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1, F-0.  A grade is 
assigned to each class a student takes.  Each class gives from 1 
to 5 credit hours.  For a given semester the total number of 
points earned is obtained from summing the points earned for each 
class, which is obtained by multiplying the grade number by the 
number of credit hours for that class.  The GPA is obtained by 
dividing the total points earned by the total number of credit 
hours taken in that semester.  The CUMULATIVE GPA is similarly 
obtained from dividing the total points earned for all semesters 
by the total number of credit hours taken in all semesters. 
     Write a program to accept at most 8 semesters of 4 grades 
with the number of credit hours for each class grade.  The program 
then calculates and displays the student's semester GPA and 
cumulative GPA in the form #.###, rounded to the nearest 0.001.  
If the student is dismissed due to a low GPA, then display the 
message "STUDENT IS DISMISSED" and then end the program.  The 
example INPUT/OUTPUT below is illustrated by calculations within 
parenthesis that are not a part of the INPUT/OUTPUT.

     INPUT: Enter grade, credits: A, 3        (points = 4x3 = 12) 
            Enter grade, credits: B, 3        (points = 3x3 =  9) 
            Enter grade, credits: C, 2        (points = 2x2 =  4) 
            Enter grade, credits: F, 4        (points = 0x4 =  0) 
                                              (total =        25) 
    OUTPUT:  GPA= 2.083         (because 25 / (3+3+2+4) = 2.0833) 
            CGPA= 2.083
     INPUT: Enter grade, credits: F, 5 
            Enter grade, credits: D, 2         (points = 1x2 = 2)
            Enter grade, credits: F, 4 
            Enter grade, credits: F, 5 
    OUTPUT:  GPA= 0.125 
            CGPA= 0.964           (because (25+2) / (12+5+2+4+5)) 

2.9  Given the elements and their corresponding potentials in DATA 
statements as shown below, write a program to display the names of 
all pairs of elements which could be used to produce a battery 
with voltage equal to the desired VOLTAGE plus or minus the 
TOLERANCE.  The desired battery VOLTAGE and a TOLERANCE will be 
entered as non-negative real numbers.  A battery can be produced 
if the "difference" in half-reaction oxidation potentials of two 
elements is less than or equal to the TOLERANCE.  If there are no 
pairs that can form a battery, print the message:  "NO BATTERY CAN 
BE FORMED". The acceptable pairs must be printed with the first 
element starting in column1, the second element in column 12, and 
the difference in Potential in column 23 in the form #.##.  The 
order of elements is not important.  If there are more than eight 
acceptable pairs then the first eight should be printed and the 
user is then prompted with the message, "PRESS ANY KEY FOR MORE". 
The user then presses a key to see the next eight (or less).  If 
there are still more, then the same process should be repeated 
until all the pairs have been displayed. 

Table of half-reaction oxidation potentials: 

     ---- --------- --------- 
     DATA "LITHIUM",+3.05 
     DATA "SODIUM",+2.71 
     DATA "ZINC",+0.76 
     DATA "IRON",+0.44 
     DATA "TIN",+0.14 
     DATA "IODINE",-0.54 
     DATA "SILVER",-0.80 
     DATA "MERCURY",-0.85 
     DATA "BROMINE",-1.09 
     DATA "CHLORINE",-1.36 
     INPUT: Enter Desired Voltage, Tolerance: 5, 1.5
    OUTPUT: (in any order) 
            LITHIUM    IODINE     3.59 
            LITHIUM    SILVER     3.85 
            LITHIUM    MERCURY    3.90 
            LITHIUM    BROMINE    4.14 
            LITHIUM    CHLORINE   4.41 
            SODIUM     SILVER     3.51 
            SODIUM     MERCURY    3.56 
            SODIUM     BROMINE    3.80 
     INPUT: (Press any key)
    OUTPUT: (continued in any order)
            SODIUM     CHLORINE   4.07 

2.10  Three local cross country teams compete in a double dual 
race.  Each team consists of seven runners, but only the first 
five finishers of a team contribute to that team's score.  As the 
runners cross the finish line, gasping for breath, the judge 
writes the INITIAL of the runner's team name and the NUMBER 
indicating the runner's finishing position, e.g. 1 for 1st, 2 for 
2nd and so on.  To find the score for teams A and B and to decide 
which of the two wins, the scorekeeper temporarily eliminates all 
of C's positions, and then repositions the runners from A and B 
into places 1 through 14.  The team's score consists of the sum of 
the places of their first five runners.  The lower team score 
wins.  If there is a tie then the team whose sixth runner crossed 
the finish line first is the winner. 

Write a program that computes the score for each pair of three 
teams and determines the winner of each pair (pairs may be 
displayed in any order).  The program must allow the user to 
assign all 21 runners' team INITIAL to finishing places.  Team 
initials can be any letter in the alphabet.  Example:  

     INPUT: Place 1: A                     |   Example of 
            Place 2: B                     |   repositioning 
            Place 3: A                     |   teams A and B: 
            Place 4: B                     | 
            Place 5: A                     |   1: A 
            Place 6: B                     |   2: B 
            Place 7: C                     |   3: A 
            Place 8: C                     |   4: B 
            Place 9: C                     |   5: A 
            Place 10: C                    |   6: B 
            Place 11: B                    |   7: B 
            Place 12: A                    |   8: A 
            Place 13: C                    |   9: B 
            Place 14: B                    |  10: B 
            Place 15: C                    |  11: A 
            Place 16: B                    |  12: A 
            Place 17: A                    |  13: B 
            Place 18: A                    |  14: A 
            Place 19: C 
            Place 20: B 
            Place 21: A 
             TEAM B: 28 POINTS 
             TEAM B WINS! 
             TEAM A: 25 POINTS 
             TEAM C: 31 POINTS 
             TEAM A WINS! 
             TEAM B: 24 POINTS 
             TEAM C: 31 POINTS 
             TEAM B WINS! 

3.1  Write a program to put a set of N real numbers in numerical 
order, smallest to largest.  However, the magnitude of the digits, 
from smallest to largest, is defined to be 0,8,1,2,5,4,3,9,7,6.  
Therefore, 810 is less than 172, and -1.5 is less than -8.5.  

     INPUT: Enter N: 5 
            Enter #: 61.2 
            Enter #: 801 
            Enter #: -5.98 
            Enter #: -4.5 
            Enter #: 99.99 
    OUTPUT: -4.5 

3.2  A bank can make change for a given amount of money in many 
different ways.  For example, there are 4 ways to make change for 
10 cents:  10 pennies, 5 pennies and 1 nickel, 2 nickels, or 1 
dime.  Write a program to display the total number of ways that 
change can be made with an input AMOUNT of money using pennies, 
nickels, dimes, and quarters.  AMOUNT will be input in dollars and 
will be no greater than 2.00.  Example: 

     INPUT: Enter AMOUNT: 0.16 

    OUTPUT: 6 

3.3  Write a program to determine if a given point and/or a given 
cube in space lie/lies "inside" another given cube (CUBE2).  The 
term "inside" includes points or faces shared.  The two 
coordinates of a diagonal of each of the cubes will be input as 
real numbers in the X-Y-Z coordinate system.  Each cube will have 
its edges parallel to either the X, Y, or Z plane.  Output must 
contain two sentences of the form: 



     INPUT: Enter point: 3,4,5 
            Enter cube1 diagonal point1:  0,0,0 
            Enter cube1 diagonal point2:  3,3,3 
            Enter cube2 diagonal point1: -1,0,0 
            Enter cube2 diagonal point2:  4,4,4 


3.4  Given a set of N letters (where N is between 2 and 5, 
inclusive), display all the DISTINGUISHABLE permutations of the 
letters, in alphabetical order.  Also display the total number of 
distinguishable permutations.  Note that some of the letters 
entered could be the same.  Example: 

     INPUT: Enter letters: CABA 

            TOTAL= 12 

3.5  Write a program to print a snake (a trail of 25 asterisks 
'*') centered on the screen.  Upon hitting appropriate keys (I--
up, J--left, K--right, and M--down), the snake's head moves in the 
appropriate direction while the rest of the snake slithers along 
the same right angle paths.  The snake is to move CONTINUOUSLY in 
the designated direction UNTIL a new directional key is hit.  The 
snake will be 25 asterisks long throughout the entire run;  Do not 
leave a sketched path.  The snake cannot go backwards, e.g. if it 
is going to the right, then its next direction cannot be to the 
left.  The snake continues moving until it runs into itself or it 
runs off the screen or a non-directional key is pressed. 

3.6  Write a program to solve a pair of linear equations entered 
as strings without spaces.  The equation will be in one of two 
forms:  AX+BY=C or AX+BY+C=0 where A, B, and C are integers.  
Assume that the constant value "1" for A and B will be omitted.  
(e.g. "X" or "Y" instead of "1X" or "1Y").  For "-1", only a "-" 
will be used.  All unnecessary "+" symbols will be omitted.  If a 
unique solution exists then display the solution in the following 

     XSOLUTION= #.#    YSOLUTION= #.# 

If no solution exists then print NO UNIQUE SOLUTION EXISTS.
     INPUT: Enter equation 1: X+Y=0 
            Enter equation 2: 2X-3Y-4=0 

3.7  Write a program to find all semi-perfect numbers less than 
35.  A number is said to be semi-perfect if there exists a subset 
of proper divisors of that number that sum to itself.  For 
example, 12 is semi perfect because 1+2+3+6=12 or 2+4+6=12.  Next 
to each semi-perfect number must be the example(s) of how it is 
semi-perfect.  The example(s) are to be ascending order by the 
factors.   If more than one example exists for a semi-perfect 
number, then display the example with the fewest addends first; if 
two have the same number of addends, then display the one 
containing the smallest addend first.  Output must be of the 
following format: 

             6      1 + 2 + 3
            12      2 + 4 + 6
            12      1 + 2 + 3 + 6
            :       : 
            :       :      

3.8  Write a program to keep score for a bowler.  Input will be 10 
frames of numbers.  Output will be the scoring of each frame, as 
shown below in the example.  The standard method of scoring will 
be used in this program. 

In each frame the bowler has at most two chances to roll down all 
10 pins.  If the bowler does not knock down all the pins in that 
frame, then his score is added to the number of pins that he 
previously knocked down.  (Note: the bowler's score starts out as 

For the first 9 frames, if the bowler knocks all 10 pins down on 
the 2nd roll (indicated by a /) then his score for that frame is 
his previous score + 10 + the number of pins that he knocks down 
on his next roll in the next frame.  If he rolls all the pins down 
on his 1st ball of a frame (indicated by an X) then he gets 10 + 
the total number of pins that he knocks down on the next 2 rolls. 
 A new frame is started after 2 balls are rolled or all ten pins 
are knocked down on the 1st ball. 

In the 10th frame, the bowler is allowed at most three rolls, 
depending upon his first and second rolls.  If he gets all the 
pins down on the 1st roll then his score will be his previous 
score plus 10 plus the number of pins he knocks down on his next 2 
rolls.  If he knocks all 10 pins down after 2 rolls, his score 
will be his previous score + 10 + the number of pins he knocks 
down on his next roll.  Input will be 10 frames, each separated by 
comma or a space.  For the output, each frame input is right 
justified and the score is left justified in each frame.  Example: 

     INPUT: Enter frames: 7/,X,62,X,X,8/,63,X,X,X9- 

Note: 62 indicates that 6 pins were knocked down on 1st roll 
         and 2 pins were knocked down on 2nd roll; 
       / indicates all remaining pins knocked down on 2nd roll; 
       X indicates 10 pins knocked down on the 1st roll; 
       - indicates 0 pins knocked down. 

    OUTPUT: -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10- 
             7/!  X! 62!  X!  X! 8/! 63!  X!  X!X9-! 
            20 !38 !46 !74 !94 !110!119!149!178!197! 

3.9  Write a program to convert a real number fraction in base M 
to a real number fraction in base N, where M and N are input as 
integers between 2 and 16 inclusive.  The base M number input will 
have one whole number on the left of the radix point, ".", and at 
most seven whole numbers on the right of the radix point. The 
judging criterion guarantees that the output base N number will 
always have one whole number on the left of the radix point.  
Furthermore, there will be at most seven whole numbers, NDigits, 
on the right of the radix point as determined by the following 
   (1/N) ** NDigits  less than or equal to  (1/M) ** MDigits 
     where N, M are input as bases; 
     ** represents "raised to the power of" 
     MDigits is the number of digits to the right of the input 
     NDigits is the smallest integer that satisfies the equation. 
For example: 
     INPUT: Enter M, N, #: 2, 5, 1.11011 

     (1/5)**NDigits  less than or equal to  (1/2)**5 
     (1/5)**NDigits  less than or equal to  1/32 
              NDigits = 3 because 
        1/5 ** 2 = 1/25   and   1/5 ** 3 = 1/125 
     Therefore 3 digits will be to the right of the output 
     number, with the 3rd digit ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST 
     NUMBER based upon the 4th digit. 

     .11011 base 2 = ( 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/16 + 1/32) base 10 
                   = ( .84375 ) base 10 
     .84375 base 10 = ( .4102) Base 5 
                    = ( 4/5 + 1/25 + 0/125 + 0/625) base 10 
    OUTPUT: 1.410    (Note: 02 ROUNDED DOWN TO 0 because 
                     2 is less than N/2=2.5) 
     INPUT: Enter M, N, #: 16, 10, 8.FC2 
     (1/10) ** NDigits  less than or equal to (1/16)**3 
     Therefore, NDigits is 4. 

     .FC2 base 16 = 15/16 + 12/256 + 2/4096 = .98486 base 10 
    OUTPUT: 8.9849   (Note: 86 ROUNDED UP TO 9 because 
                     6 is greater than or equal to N/2) 

3.10  Write a program to display the composition of two 
polynomials, given as input.  A polynomial is a mathematical 
expression consisting of constants multiplied by variables raised 
to a non-negative integral power.  The following are examples of 
polynomials, where ** stands for "to the power of:" 

          p(x)=5x**2 + 4x - 1 

          q(x)=x**2 - 6 

The composition of p of q, p(q(x)), is 

          5*(x**2 - 6)**2 + 4*(x**2 - 6) - 1 
          5*(x**4 - 12x**2 + 36) + 4*(x**2 - 6) - 1 
          5x**4 - 60x**2 + 180 + 4x**2 - 24 - 1 
          5x**4 - 56x**2 + 155 

     Two polynomials will be input.  First the ORDER (highest 
power) of the polynomial is entered as an integer from 0 to 5.  
The coefficient of each term is entered starting with the highest 
power, then next highest power, down to the 0th power.  The second 
polynomial is entered the same way. 
     The output will consist of the composite function of the 
first of the second polynomial p(q(x)), and then the composite 
function of the second of the first polynomial q(p(x)).  Starting 
from the highest ORDER of the composite function, the output will 
be of the following format: 

     AX**N + BX**(N-1) + ... + CX**1 + DX**0. 

For example: 

     INPUT: Enter the ORDER of p(x): 2 
            Enter coefficient for x**2: 5 
            Enter coefficient for x**1: 4 
            Enter coefficient for x**0: -1 

            Enter the ORDER of q(x): 2 
            Enter coefficient for x**2: 1 
            Enter coefficient for x**1: 0 
            Enter coefficient for x**0: -6 

    OUTPUT: P(Q(X))= 5X**4 + 0X**3 + -56X**2 + 0X**1 + 155X**0 
            Q(P(X))= 25X**4 + 40X**3 + 6X**2 + -8X**1 + -5X**0 
     INPUT: Enter ORDER of p(x): 0 
            Enter coefficient for x**0: 9 

            Enter the ORDER of q(x): 1 
            Enter the coefficient of x**1: -4 
            Enter the coefficient of x**0: 3 

    OUTPUT: P(Q(X))= 9X**0 
            Q(P(X))= -33X**0