Douglas Woolley |
Douglas Woolley |
About Douglas Ernest Woolley | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I was born in New York and had a wonderful childhood living in Croton-on-Hudson. After my father took early retirement when I was 10, my family moved to southern Florida where I excelled in sports and academics. In middle school, I was named as the "Most Outstanding Male Athlete of the Year." As a senior in high school, I was ranked number one in Florida in both mathematics and computer programming. It was during these teenage years that I entered into a personal relationship with Jesus and started to grow spiritually. Since then, I have grown exponentially in the Lord and in the Word of God (the Bible). I graduated from University of South Florida with an Engineering degree in Computer Science, and now work for Verizon as a Systems Engineer. In the new field of Cloud Computing, I recently achieved two associate level certifications in Amazon Web Services (AWS). I met my wife Marsha at the end of 1998, and we've been married since June 3, 2000. You may skip to a particular section on this page by selecting a sub-title:
Personality: Some words that would describe my personality are happy, joyful, content, confident, god-fearing, devoted, generous, frugal, introvert, people-person, clean, thinker, logical, analytical, problem-solver, studious, precise, tough-minded, tolerant, goal-oriented, focused, organized, determined, competitive, energetic, dependable, reliable, consistent, responsible, and stable. Almost always I have a smile on my face, reflecting the joy and happiness that is in my heart and my contentment with life. I rely upon God who directs and inspires my life, and thus I exude confidence. I am devoted to God and to those that He has entrusted to my care. Realizing that God has given so much to me, I am generous with my finances, talents, and time. Although I do enjoy nice things, I am also frugal at times to be able to afford nice things and to be generous. Although by nature I am more of an introvert, treasuring my alone time, I often get motivated to be with people to get to know them or care for them or teach them or to exchange life with them. As a “people-person,” I enjoy meeting new people and re-establishing contact with friends. Unless I am leading a group discussion (which I enjoy), I prefer one-on-one interaction more than participating within a group of people. My environment and my appearance are clean, and I dress appropriately and nicely for gatherings, yet I am not particular about my clothing—I don’t need a new outfit every month, just nice clean clothes that fit. Having been “gifted” with a high IQ, I often think much about topics of interest to me. Having excelled in mathematics and computers in high school and college, I often think very logically and analytically in relation to daily life as well. I enjoy solving problems when they arise. I have been very studious throughout my school years, and I continue to be ever-learning and studious in my religious studies, work, and extra-curricula projects. I am very precise in my calculations, thoughts, and words and base my conclusions on solid facts, observations, and research of reliable sources. As a result, I often become tough-minded in my views, having become certain about them after much thought and research. Over the years I have learned to be more tolerant of those that have different opinions, yet I am always open to a friendly discussion or debate. I am very goal-oriented and focused on accomplishing my goals on a daily basis. Coupled with good organizing and planning skills, I have determination to accomplish the tasks on my list and to reach my long-range goals, derived from my perceived purpose in life. I have been competitive in the past in both school and sports, and I still exhibit competitiveness but more in a fashion of doing the best that I can, while encouraging others who are in the “same race.” I exude energy to work toward my goals, and I take pleasure in every small task that gets accomplished. I am very dependable and reliable in my relationships and in the tasks with which I am entrusted. In fact, at my job I have been consistently on-time and available for work everyday (without needing a “sick day”) for years. (Perhaps I was late once by a few minutes for a good reason). Regardless of the events going on in my life, I am responsible to fulfill the obligations that are required of me, and thus I am very stable.
Early Childhood: I grew-up in the village of Croton-on-Hudson, NY in a nice two story house with a large pool, both of which my father physically built with some help. The home resided on a quarter acre of property with part of it in the woods that I enjoyed exploring. As I graduated from Carrie E. Tompkins Elementary School in June of 1977, my father took early retirement and moved our family to Coral Springs, Florida (just north of Fort Lauderdale). My parents loved each other and their 3 children. Some of my favorite memories as a child with my family include: going to Playland amusement park (and other amusement parks), going to the beach, going to Tante Hilde's Foodstand that had a huge pool owned by her relatives, filling our own pool with water in the summer and then swimming in it, building a club house in our backyard, exploring the woods in our rural area, celebrating Christmas, playing in the snow, having birthday parties, playing baseball, and playing with my friends. As time permitted, I also enjoyed watching my favorite TV shows. What a wonderful childhood! I received my first
Polaroid instant camera for my 7th birthday!
You may view pictures of my hometown of Croton-on-Hudson, NY that I recently visited. Although there were many advantages to living in Florida, at 11 years of age I missed my friends and my club house that I had built in my backyard woods in New York. To overcome this disappointment, I invited my best friend, Chris, to come and visit me at my new home in Coral Springs for a few days. Approximately a year later, I traveled to New York to visit my friends and see my old stomping grounds. After that, I realized that I had it even better in Coral Springs and I no longer desired to visit Croton-on-Hudson, at least not until I graduated from High School.
Middle School Years:
Attended Coral Springs Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th
grades. At the end of my 6th grade school year, there was an awards ceremony for those that had participated on the school athletic teams. A male and female eight grader would be named as the "Most Outstanding Athlete of the Year." Steve Eveker was the faster long-distance runner in the school and played soccer and volleyball. He received this prestigious award. He was my hero. I wanted to be like him, so I spent time with him and learned from him. Two years later, I was the fastest long-distance runner in the school and played well in volleyball and softball. A dream and a prayer came true for me as I was named the "Most Outstanding Male Athlete of the Year" on June 3, 1980. Out of gratitude for this answered prayer, I committed my life to Jesus Christ on that same night. By attending weekly confirmation classes during the previous year at Lutheran Ministry in Christ, in Coral Springs, Florida, my faith and knowledge of God grew, and I realized that He would forgive me of my sins as a result of trusting that Jesus (the Son of God) died on the cross for my sins. I continued to grow in my relationship with Christ and attend church regularly. I became fascinated with collecting coins as a hobby. When I made a few extra dollars, I would visit the coin store and view the rare pennies and nickels for hours before I would make a purchase. Pressing a button would cause the glass case machine to display a new set of coins for viewing. Other times I would obtain hundreds of pennies from the bank and search for a few rare "wheat pennies" (prior to 1959) that have wheat stalks on the back instead of the Lincoln Memorial. The most desired penny of all time is the 1909 S VDB. The "S" means that it was minted in San Francisco, and VDB is the initials of the architect (Victor D. Brenner) who designed the new Lincoln penny in 1909 and appears on the back side of some of these pennies in that year only. In excellent condition, this rare penny is worth over $400. I never did own one, but I had fun collecting the less expensive rare coins and the not-so-rare coins. Academically, I had done well in school and was an above average student that excelled in mathematics and struggled a little in English and History courses. I was motivated to do my homework on my own and enjoyed doing well in school and developed a passion for math and eventually computer programming. After completing a math course in Algebra in 8th grade, I decided to go to summer school at Coral Springs High School and take Geometry so that I would be ahead when my regular freshman year began in the fall.
High School Years: Coral
Springs High School, 9th - 12th grades, (1980 - 1984).
There are many dreamers that have a vision but don't have a plan, or if they do they don't take action to make their vision become a reality. I thank the Lord--with His help, I worked hard for the next three years while in high school and solved every algebra, geometry, algebra II, trigonometry, and calculus problem that had ever been given on a nationwide or statewide math contest. As a result, I had placed first in the state of Florida on the nationwide math contest (1984 American High School Mathematics Examination). Additionally, I was also ranked #1 in the state in computer science. The state of Florida has had a very strong high school mathematics program since the late 1970s. I am thankful for dedicated support of many wonderful teachers that established and grew the Florida Mu Alpha Theta organization! Ms. Barbara Nunn and Mrs. Fran McCreary were two of those teachers who served as my coaches during my years at Coral Springs High School.
In my 10th grade biology
class, we had to come up with a science fair project that
was a part of our grade for the class. I nervously
thought about some possibilities: mutating flies, dissecting
a frog, mutating plants, etc. None of these really
appealed to me. Then one day, I came up with an
astounding idea! I had just learned BASIC computer
programming over the summer prior to 10th grade and now I
was taking the next course "Computer Math II". At this
time in November of 1980, the
You may view my 37 page document entitled Computer Oriented Solutions to the Rubik's Cube, which I produced in college for my senior project. Building from my high school project, I coded the solution in Turbo Pascal. You may view the HTML version or the PDF version of the User's Guide. You may also view the complete Pascal program listing in HTML format. (Recently, in 2012, I wrote a web-enabled, computer program to solve the Rubik's Cube in the newer technologies of ASP.NET 3.5 / C#.)
Even to this day, I enjoy solving mathematical and logical problems that stimulate the intellect. You may view Doug's Mathematics Page that contains miscellaneous mathematical discoveries and problems. Although my first love was (and is) mathematics, my second love (computer programming) would provide me with a greater career, thus I primarily pursued Computer Science in college and only secondarily pursued mathematics. One of my recent hobbies (as of March 2006) has been creating a computer program to solve the Sudoku puzzle using Microsoft's Visual Basic .NET and now C#.
College Years: University of
South Florida, Tampa, FL, (1984 - 1989). Dr. Andria Troutman, the director for the Florida Center for Instructional Computing (FCIC) at USF, had sponsored the computer contest in 1984 that my team had won. As the captain, I was offered by Dr. Troutman a position working for her at her company and managed to get me even more scholarship money to matriculate at USF instead of Florida Atlantic University (where I was headed). During the next 5 years, I had grown with the company and written many programs for instructional purposes, while at the same time attending classes at USF. During the first two summers, I was given the task of creating a Database Management System that would be used by Highland County Schools. Dr. Troutman asked me to choose one person to come on board to assist me with this immense project. I could think of no one better than my friend Hong Wing Pun who was attending the University of Miami. Each summer he came to Tampa to code and debug the multi-program Database Management System. The system was sold for about a quarter of a million dollars. By the age of 20, I had become a co-author of a college text book that taught teachers how to utilize computers in the classroom. As the programmer, I received royalties for the IBM and Apple versions for several years. I was thankful to Dr. Troutman for such an opportunity to partner with her and Dr. James White (and with Frank Bright on the Apple version). The text was called: The Micro Goes to School. Now that I was working for the company that partnered with USF and the State Board of Education in producing the Florida High School Computer Contest, I was given the opportunity to be the author and chief judge of this famous contest. Developing fresh contest problems and their solutions usually took about 100 hours of my time each year. I put my heart into every program. The contest continued until 1996 and was phased out the following year. Accumulating all my contest problems, judging criteria, BASIC solutions, and Pascal solutions from 1985 to 1994, I created a large book that was then sold by the University of South Florida to interested High Schools. The book was endorsed by prominent individuals such as the Chairman of Kodak and the President of GTE Data Services. It was sold to every High School in Hillsborough County. Profits were split between USF and myself for several years. You may view the cover of the book and some of its contents by clicking the title: College years were some of the best years for my spiritual growth. You may view my page that describes my spiritual background. During my college years, I would spend at least an hour a day in prayer to God and another hour each day studying the Bible. Sometimes I would read and study the Bible for longer periods of time. I was hungry to grow as a Christian. With the wonderful change that Jesus made in my life, I wanted to share it with others. Since many international
students lived at my dormitory, I became their favorite
American friend. I would practice English with
them, play sports with them, take them to Disney World,
invite them to church, and sometimes even teach the Bible to
them or just talk about spiritual things. I enjoyed spending time with my friends in social gatherings, athletics, and church related activities.
Having already earned an
Engineering degree, I completed a second degree in Theology
(officially called Interdisciplinary Studies) at
North Central University, graduating Summa Cum Laude
in May, 2007. Building off of good grades, I was
awarded a Presidential Scholarship to study at Southwestern
Assemblies of God University (SAGU), where I graduated with
a 4.0 GPA with a
Masters degree in Theology/Bible. I have a great desire to
learn about the Bible and to live a life that is pleasing to
God and to share the good news of what Jesus Christ has
done. Systematic study of God's Word has helped to reinforce
these desires. You may view many of my essays for these
classes by visiting my
Theology Corner page, or you may listen to some of my
sermons by visiting my
Sermons Library page. I have enjoyed teaching the Bible
to eager students over the years, especially in formal
college settings such as with the
One Accord School of Ministry.
While in Lisbon, Portugal, the Lord also opened up doors for me to preach in an Assemblies of God church. Often I would come to the church to simply participate and then the pastor would surprise me as I sat in worship and asked if I would deliver the sermon. I would quickly consult with the Lord and He would give me a topic to preach on as I quickly jotted down some Scripture references as a basis for my message. Other times I knew a week in advance that I would be their speaker for the Sunday evening meeting. I really enjoyed being used of the Lord in this way! I have a great sense of fulfillment when I am using the gifts and talents that God has given me to help others in their spiritual and personal growth.
Married Years: with Marsha
Ann Lovick (now Woolley) (June 3, 2000 - present)
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