Pictures from my work experiences at Portugal Telecom, headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal
Portugal Telecom (PT) had
purchased a customized version of Verizon's CBSS (Customer
Billing Services System). My first few trips were made
in 1997 to help install the CBSS system on PT's mainframe
computer, and then to provide a week of formal technical
training. From 1998 to 2000, for weeks (or
months) at a time, I would travel to Lisbon Portugal to
provide technical support to PT for this CBSS system as it
was being tested and rolled into production. Some of
my best years were spent in Portugal, working with some
wonderful people. The technicians at PT learned well and
CBSS was consistently billing PT's customers for their phone
service, so I returned to Tampa where I was immediately
reassigned to support system technicians in Venezuela.
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