I have a personal habit of looking through the first 10
pages of a book, and if I do not find it interesting at that
point, I won’t waste my time reading it. When my friend,
Douglas Woolley, gave me his book, The Value of Work in
the Eyes of God, I began looking through it while I was
on an airplane. The more I read, the more interested I
became. As a businessman, I often ask myself “does my daily
work really matter to God?” This book not only answers that
question, but it biblically explains the “how” and the
“why.” When we work for God, He becomes our boss and our
provider. Therefore, we will be motivated to do all our work
with diligence and excellence, giving honor unto Him. It is
workers like this that will point those around them to the
reality of our Lord. Thank you, my friend Douglas, for this
special gift of this book that opened my mind, and
especially my heart, to these truths.
Mario Garcia Olvera
President of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship
International (FGBMFI)
Monterrey, Mexico
This book by Doug Woolley, The Value of Work in the Eyes
of God, goes right to the heart of explaining why our
everyday work is ordained by God in fulfilling His plan for
our lives. Doug’s literary ability is easily seen as he
takes the reader from the history, theology, and biblical
principles of work, to honoring God and balancing our
individual significant priorities in life. He details the
"Faith at Work Movement," and brings to light the
misconception that we need to be ministering full-time to
the spiritual needs of others, if we really want to please
God. I pray the Lord will anoint your reading of Doug's book
in discovering your work as a ministry.
Jimmy Rogers
Former President of
Rogers-Wood & Associates, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia
Doug Woolley succinctly traces the history of the
Protestant work ethic through the contrasting attitudes
currently held. This study of the theology of work has both
breadth and depth with solid scriptural anchoring. Readers
will be enriched with a deeper understanding of how time
spent in meaningful work counts for eternity and glorifies
Dr. Royce Shelton
Emeritus, Southeastern University
Lakeland, Florida
“The Value of Work is such an important
book if we expect to reclaim our culture for Jesus Christ .
. . The book you are holding in your hand will help fill the
current void of solid materials on a theology of work” (from
Os Hillman
President of
Marketplace Leaders and Aslan Group Publishing
Cumming, Georgia
By carefully weaving the
historical, theological, and practical aspects of work, Doug
Woolley has been able to reveal to his readers the
significant influence they can be in the marketplace. In my
opinion, he has very clearly shown us that both the secular
and the sacred are important to the carrying out of God’s
plans and purposes in the earth. This book is a must read
not only for those in the workplace but should be read by
those preparing to enter the workforce. I pray that this
book will help its readers to understand more fully the
verse, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord
and not to men” (Colossians 3:23, NKJV).
Ed Russo
Senior Pastor, Life
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Many books
have been written exploring faith and work issues, but
helpful summaries of relevant biblical, historical, and
theological perspectives are hard to find. In the book
The Value of Work in the Eyes of God, Douglas Woolley
provides us with a very useful introduction to the mountain
of material he has been sifting through. He offers us a
treasure-trove of information and a valuable introduction to
some of the key people and perspectives that have shaped
this movement.
Alistair Mackenzie
Fellow at Laidlaw College,
on Board of Directors of
Theology of Work Project,
Founding Director of Faith at
Work (New Zealand),
and author of Where’s God on Monday?
Christchurch, New Zealand
Doug Woolley leaves no
stone unturned in his research for The Value of Work in the
Eyes of God. It took me back to God’s promise to Abram, “…I
will bless you… and you will be a blessing” (Gen. 12:2).
The Value of Work in the Eyes of God details the “What”
and the “How” of ministry in the workplace and, more
importantly, it clearly lays out the “Why” we are called to
be available to serve in all circumstances. Success in
business is providing goods or services to help someone
accomplish their goal, which is compatible with God’s plan.
Success in God’s eyes is being available to be used by the
Lord to serve in all circumstances. Doug Woolley’s book is a
valuable resource to accomplish God’s goal for each of us.
Don Hayes
Former President of GTE
Data Services and VP of GTE Information Technology
Director of Christian Embassy
Tampa, Florida
Doug Woolley's book, The Value of Work in the Eyes of
God, is a really good read and has been a blessing in
shaping my perspective. There are people who really need to
see the value in what they are doing for the kingdom in
their workplace, and the biggest lie of the enemy is, "Why
this waste?" (Matt. 26:8). So many people go through these
mid-life crises thinking that they have let God down and
feeling like their lives have counted for nothing because
they were not behind some pulpit or some missions newsletter
or something of that nature. The devil is a liar, and Doug's
book helps destroy his falsehood.
USA A/G Missionary to Fiji
Nadi Airport, Fiji
Author Profile (from Back Cover)
Douglas E. Woolley earned four
university degrees in the areas of Computer
Science and Theology. He currently works for
JPMorgan Chase & Co. as a Software Engineer,
after having worked for Verizon for many years
as a Systems Engineer. Since early 2018, he
serves as the International Secretary for the
Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship
International (FGBMFI). As a senior in high
school, Doug placed among the top in the USA in
mathematics, computer programming, and science.
He is an international speaker, teacher, and
author. Doug resides in Tampa, Florida, USA with
his wife Marsha and poodle Napoleon.
View full bio of Douglas E. Woolley